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Covid and tourism in France: your Airbnb agency takes stock

Barely containment due to the pandemic of Covid-19 up, the summer season has begun. At the dawn of confinement, the tourism professionals were alert and rightly so. It seems that with the summer and the annual leave and despite an inevitable decline in their activity, they were still able to pull out of the game and lessen the negative impact of the Covid on their activity. YourHostHelper, your Airbnb agency make the point.

Tourism stalled in spring:

This will not have escaped anyone's notice, the global containment undertaken by many countries including France. brought to a standstill tourism professions. Airports being closed and most of the borders closed have also prevented tourists foreigners to enter the territory at a season in which they are usually expected.

The establishments of tourism professionals who also had the obligation to lower the curtain suffered immediately and without respite from the economic repercussions of this situation. Doubt about the duration of confinement but also the uncertainties about the evolution of the pandemic in France and around the world were an additional blow to morale for all professionals at the beginning of this spring 2020.

Remember that at the start of the year, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) predicted an increase in tourism (counted in the arrival of visitors) of 4% worldwide for the year 2020. The pandemic having changed the situation, these estimates have been revised to reach, in the worst case, -78%. An estimate very far from reassuring professionals in the sector.

Deconfinement and recovery of global tourism:

The agendas of countries around the world have been generally agreed and the deconfinements / openings of borders have helped to mitigate the decline in global tourism. However, it must be considered that if, in France, the situation quickly recovered a "semblance of normalcy", this was not the case for all countries.

In June, the situation was already clearing up and initial data made it possible to assess the situation more clearly. In positive response to the government's recommendations, the French preferred to 86% of holidays in France compared to 75% the previous year. Airbnb completes this data by announcing that 85% of its reservations concern France against 65% in 2019.

note that rental between individuals is preferred. This effectively allows to respect the rules of distancing, family reunification and private place. The Covid is therefore present in the minds of the French and they quickly adapt to it by adapting their destinations and type of accommodation, for the benefit of Airbnb rentals.

Follow-up of the fallout and end of the summer season:

Si YourHostHelper was able to observe the clearly increasing interest of the French for the Cannes region as part of the rental management in Cannes, aggregate data for the July / August 2020 season is expected. Tourism professionals will then rely on Indian summer to further cushion the losses caused by this delicate spring.

The YourHostHelper team remained active throughout the Covid period and also announced the creation of its brand license with a view to its extension on the national territory. We also remain at your disposal to assist you in the rental management of your property via our estimate form.