The monitoring of your Airbnb calendar by our
rental management agency in Cannes

If there is one optimization factor that goes unnoticed on Airbnb, it is calendar management. However, this is a point not to be underestimated in many places. The calendar is your best ally to ensure a large number of tenants throughout the year and to maximize the occupancy rate of the accommodation throughout its periods of availability. For these reasons, our rental management agency in Cannes takes care to optimize your calendar on all points.

In rental management, the calendar counts for a lot:

First of all, as an agency, it is essential for us to have the periods of availability of your property for seasonal rental. The scenarios are multiple: you can offer your accommodation for rent throughout the year or book it for yourself at certain times: low season, high season or sporadically throughout the year to enjoy your own accommodation. accommodation as you see fit. Either way, it is essential for us to keep the availability periods up to date.

Depending on the time of year, it is important to motivate short or long stays. This will have a significant impact on the occupancy rate of your accommodation during its seasonal rental periods and this, throughout the year. This is true everywhere in France but in particular in Cannes, which naturally sees its high point of the year during the summer season with tourism at its lowest during the winter. Careful management of the calendar, availability and reservation policy is therefore essential to optimize your rental income.

Airbnb calendar management
Airbnb SuperHost

A timeline tracker to become a SuperHost:

As you probably know, on Airbnb, there is a SuperHost status. The Super Host is particularly highlighted on the platform and makes it possible to considerably develop the success of seasonal rentals. Among the criteria for obtaining this coveted status is not to cancel more than 1% of stays. A very low figure that leaves no room for the unexpected. A particularly rigorous management of the Airbnb calendar is therefore essential to become a Superhost and benefit from better rental returns. Our rental management agency in Cannes puts everything in place to avoid reservation cancellations at all costs.

Did you know ? A regularly updated calendar receives up to 5 times more bookings.

Synchronization of calendars for simplified management:

As a rental management agency, we make sure to simplify everything as much as possible. This is why we take care to activate the synchronization of the calendar of availabilities and reservations between the different platforms where your rental ad will be broadcast: Airbnb, Booking, HomeAway... This approach, beyond simplifying your and our daily life , avoids any double booking: two bookings for the same period made on different platforms. This avoids cancellations for tenants by automatically closing periods already reserved on all broadcasting platforms.