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Rental tension: understand this indicator to keep the advantage with your Marseille concierge

Real estate rental is a sector in constant evolution, because it depends on several factors. Renting your apartment and managing to optimize your rental income requires constant work to adjust to the rental market in your region. Among the many elements influencing your rental, rental tension plays a crucial role. Unequal on French territory, the demand for housing varies greatly from one city to another, completely changing the rental landscape according to the properties rented and their positioning. Your Marseille concierge tells you everything about rental tension and how to turn it to your advantage. 

What is rental voltage 

Rental tension is an essential concept in the field of real estate, as it helps to understand the balance between supply and demand for housing in a specific geographical area. More concretely, rental tension reflects the difference between the number of rental requests and the number of properties available for rental at a given time. In other words, it measures the competition between potential tenants to obtain housing in the region concerned.

When rental tension is high, it means that the demand for housing exceeds the available supply. This may be due to population growth, the region's economic attractiveness, urban planning policies, or even seasonal events (concerts, festivals, city-specific celebrations, etc.) which temporarily stimulate housing demand.

However, the rental voltage is not a static indicator and evolves according to the changes made in the geographical area studied. Consequently, your Marseille concierge invites you to closely monitor this indicator to anticipate trends in the rental market and make the most profitable decisions.

What impacts for rental

Rental tension has a significant impact on the rental market, for both tenants and owners. Understanding these impacts is essential for making informed decisions in real estate investment and rental management.

High rental tension directly influences your rental management with:

  • An increase in rents: in a market where demand is high and supply is limited, rents tend to increase. Owners can thus take advantage of this situation to revise the rental rates of their property upwards. This represents a major opportunity to increase rental income and improve the profitability of your property investments.
  • Ease of finding tenants: high rental tension means that there are more rental requests than available properties, which makes it easier to find tenants. Landlords can select from a larger pool of potential candidates, allowing them to choose creditworthy and serious tenants.
  • High property occupancy: With greater rental demand, properties tend to become occupied more quickly and on a more continuous basis. Once a tenant moves out, another is likely to quickly take their place, so the landlord's risk of loss of income is limited.

Conversely, when rental tension is low and the supply of housing exceeds demand, the impacts on rental are different. Indeed, these tend to disadvantage landlords by forcing them to lower their rents to remain attractive. In addition, despite the efforts made, the rate of rental vacancies (time when your accommodation is empty) may increase given the lack of attractiveness of the region. Landlords are therefore obliged to adapt to the rental tension in order to hope to receive rental income. 

In which cities is the rental tension the highest? 

Rental tension varies from city to city, with some areas experiencing much higher rental demand than others. In addition, to adapt to the rental pressure of your market, it is important to take into account the size of your property. Indeed, in some regions, the demand for a 20 m2 studio will be much higher than for a 2 m40 T2. 

It is therefore complicated to establish a precise list of the cities concerned by a great demand for rental. However, in general, there is strong rental tension in the largest cities in France, such as Paris, Lyon and Bordeaux. However, there are very attractive cities that have seen housing demand increase in 2022, such as Lille, Perpignan, Le Havre, Nîmes and even Marseille!  

This is therefore good news for rental property owners in Marseille, which is experiencing growing demand from tenants due to its economic development and tourist appeal. Marseille, an important center of the Mediterranean economy, thus offers great opportunities for property owners.

Choose your Marseille concierge to turn rental demand to your advantage

Your conciergerie of Marseille puts everything in place to take advantage of the rental tension in your region. Thus, our agents manage to increase your rental income by an average of 25%. Use an Airbnb concierge service to make the most of your property and delegate your management. You will save time and money by placing your vacation rental in the hands of experts in the field. 

Your Marseille concierge helps you set competitive rents based on the current market and increases the visibility of your residence to attract the best tenants. We take care of the reception of your hosts, as well as the professional cleaning of your rooms between each reservation to guarantee the satisfaction of the travelers. Thanks to professional management, benefit from optimized rental income without the slightest effort.

Rental tension is a crucial indicator to understand for landlords wishing to increase their rental income. When the demand for housing is high, it is possible to take advantage of this advantage to make your Airbnb property more profitable. Your Marseille concierge offers you personalized support to improve your rental income and allow you to enjoy your seasonal rental without thinking about it.