You are currently viewing New YourHostHelper concierge agency in Grenoble

New YourHostHelper concierge agency in Grenoble

The network of concierge and rental management agencies YourHostHelper is pleased to announce its establishment in the Grenoble area. Thanks to the entry of Françoise Calabro into our franchise, three new French cities will be able to benefit from the complete support of YourHostHelper for the management of your seasonal rentals: Grenoble, Poisat and Froges.

Françoise Calabro will thus be the director of these three new Airbnb concierge agencies in the Grenoble area. After a first career in the secretarial field and then as an IT manager, her natural curiosity led her to take an interest in the real estate sector. A duly acquired training later, she will be in turn real estate loan broker, real estate salesperson then expert in inventory and finally property hunter.

Françoise Calabro, director of our concierge agency YourHostHelper in Grenoble

It is therefore after a particularly extensive career in the field of real estate that Françoise joins YourHostHelper to both bring our rental management solutions to a new sector but also to make our network benefit from her expertise in multiple areas of the real estate.

The entire YourHosrtHelper team welcomes Françoise Calabro. Do you own a seasonal rental in the Grenoble, Poisat or Froges area? Are you looking for a rental management agency capable of managing your rentals for you? We invite you to contact Françoise via the contact details on the following pages:

concierge service Grenoble
cFroges Onciergerie
Concierge Poisat