YourHostHelper tips for writing a good ad

How to write your ad well on Airbnb?

Step 1: If you want to become an Airbnb host and quickly reap the rewards, you have to devote yourself seriously to it, and that starts with registering and creating your profile. This is a key step. It is important to invest a little time to present yourself in detail to enter into this spirit of community. It is the best foundation for a relationship of trust. It's basic but you have to remember to put a profile photo and talk about yourself in your profile, say why you are renting your accommodation. This will create a first bond of trust with the traveler who asks himself the question: “where am I going to stay?” and make him want to know more.

There is no point in embellishing things, hiding or lying about details because in the end it will be sanctioned by the rating and comment of the traveler.

The photos uploaded are very important. Use as much as possible, even if you are renting a room or a studio. A traveler needs to project himself, to realize the equipment, the volume and the decoration to say to himself “Here, I could see myself there” and more easily contact the host. Take a photo of the little details that will make the difference and that will trigger the traveler. Put yourself in his place to precisely describe the accommodation, the liveliness of the district and its shops and not just in 3 lines. This allows the traveler to fully understand what awaits him and to say to himself “this is what I want”.

2nd step: manage your ad well. Manage your availability well in your calendar, Then show yourself available by quickly answering questions. Not only will the traveler be reassured to see that there is a “real” person behind the ad, but it also earns you points for becoming a Super Host.

Step 3: Before your guest arrives, your accommodation must be perfect. It is not enough to just clean it as we would do for ourselves, it is necessary that the apartment is perfectly cleaned and conforms to the description you have made of it.

Remember to leave a little welcome note or at least something special so that the traveler feels at home and sees that you have thought about their well-being.

Then be available. The Airbnb traveler expects an experience, to be connected. Even if you are not present on a daily basis, show him that you will be there in case of concern. Check that your traveler has your phone number and text them the day after they arrive to make sure everything is okay. This will lay the foundations for a relationship of trust during the stay. In short, be his guardian angel!

Don't: try to hide additional costs. Be super transparent about the price, that's what we like about Airbnb. Avoid making a long list of options for cleaning, laundry, etc.: not only will you waste time in terms of management, and this could lead to a misunderstanding with your traveler. For simplicity, include fees in the base price. It's also in Airbnb's spirit to keep it simple.


How can I increase my reservations online?

There is no secret to increasing your bookings: the advertisement must be complete. You should also remember to update your calendar regularly, and to respond to all messages you receive within 24 hours. Last point: collect positive comments to go up in the search results.

It is also necessary to determine the right price and that, each guest will realize it quite quickly: if it is too high, few people will be interested and conversely, if it is too low, you will be drowned in the requests. . YourHostHelper generally recommends doing a benchmark, ie looking for similar listings on Airbnb (same accommodation capacity, same type of accommodation, same location, etc.).


As a landlord, do I have tax advantages?

Airbnb is a community platform that does not provide legal advice. Each situation is special because you have to distinguish whether you rent your accommodation repeatedly or occasionally. The best is still to inquire with your tax center and the town hall for everything concerning the local taxation in force, the change of use of your accommodation and the necessary professional authorizations.