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How do I submit experiences on Airbnb?

Do you master a particular field of activity or have specific knowledge of your sector? So maybe you can offer an Experience on Airbnb! What is it about ? Airbnb Experiences allow travelers to meet people who live in their vacation spot year-round and who are able to help them discover the surroundings from an original angle that they would not have had the chance to discover without the intervention of people. living on site and their expertise. Discover with YourHostHelper how to create an experience on the Airbnb platform.

Reminder: What is an Airbnb Experience?

An Airbnb Experience is the meeting between Airbnb travelers (not necessarily tenants by the way) with a local expert, offering to share their know-how or their specific knowledge of the travelers' vacation spot. The experience is based on three criteria to be considered as such:

  • Offer travelers real expertise in a specific and pre-defined area of ​​choice.
  • Offer privileged access to a typical and local place, knowledge or aspect
  • Allow a real human exchange with a person invested and passionate about his Experience.

As you can see, exchange and expertise are fundamental in the creation of Airbnb Experiences. Discovery and uniqueness have long been part of Airbnb's discourse and positioning and are therefore naturally central to the Experiences selection process. If you have not already done so, we invite you to consult the article " Airbnb Experiences: What are they and what are the limits? » to make sure that what you want to share corresponds to the charter of the site.

How to submit your Experience to Airbnb?

The process is relatively simple but must pass through the various quality filters put in place by Airbnb to ensure the correct match between your proposal and the Airbnb charter. In particular, you will need to present:

  1. The title/name of your experience
  2. The details of the activities you will carry out with the travelers
  3. The location(s) of the experience
  4. The information and knowledge transmitted to travelers and what they must bring
  5. 7 high-quality photos of people participating in your experience
  6. The minimum age for travelers to participate
  7. Activity and skill level expected of travelers to participate in the experience
  8. Maximum group size (usually less than 10 people)
  9. Start time and duration of experiments
  10. The fixed price per participant

What you should also be able to provide:

You will also need to submit a video of your activity. While this may be restrictive, it is still the best way for Airbnb to assess the quality of your experience and its correspondence with the rules.

You must be able to support your ability to conduct this experiment. This first requires proof of your expertise in the field. Being attracted to a particular field or a simple amateur is not enough: to lead an Airbnb Experience, you must be particularly experienced.

Show that your Experience is unique and offers travelers a real opportunity to discover your region from a new angle that they would not have had access to without your Experience. This is an essential approval criterion for the platform but also decisive in the choice of travelers between one or the other of the activities available at their resort. Specify Alexandra of our Bordeaux Airbnb Concierge.

How is the validation on the Airbnb side?

The platform, once your application has been received, will consult the details of this information that you have transmitted. In general, as long as the information transmitted corresponds to the regulations of the platform, your Experience will be validated. Otherwise, it may simply be refused but also have to be modified. Airbnb then suggests the modifications to be made so that this Experience can be included in the program.

A verification of your license and insurance will be carried out when necessary. This applies to very varied activities but generally subject to diplomas or certification in order to be exercised with an audience.

Once all these formalities have been validated on both sides, you will have the joy of seeing your Experience appear in the Airbnb search results in the Experiences section and of receiving your first Airbnb travelers, congratulations!