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Holiday vouchers: can they be used on Airbnb?

Is it possible to pay for your Airbnb accommodation with Chèques-Vacances? Your Marseille concierge tells you everything

At a time of rising prices and a tense social climate, many of us are just waiting for one thing: to be able to escape from everyday life to enjoy a little respite. However, how do you go on vacation when you keep your eyes fixed on your budget? Have you thought about holiday vouchers? Provided by the ANCV, this very useful little notebook can help you drastically reduce your holiday bill! How to use it ? Can we combine Chèques-Vacances and Airbnb rental? Your Marseille concierge helps you see more clearly. 

How to use your Chèques-Vacances 

The history of the holiday voucher

Created in March 1982, the holiday voucher makes it possible to promote the departure on holiday of thousands of families throughout France. A major influence on the field of tourism, Chèques-Vacances are distributed according to the works council in which you work. Thus, regardless of your status or even the size of your company, the amount of your Chèques-Vacances will be the same as that of your colleagues. Note, however, that the payment of Chèques-Vacances is shared between the employer and the employee. However, if you have a CSE (Compulsory Social and Economic Committee in companies with more than 50 employees), it may cover the full amount of your Chèques-Vacances.

When to use them 

A real godsend for low-income families, Chèques-Vacances allow families to take a break from their daily lives while increasing the number of visitors to tourist establishments. These coupons can be used:

  • in the field of catering with major restaurant chains (Pizza del Arte, Flunch, McDonald's, Domino's pizza, Paul, La Pataterie, etc.) and with thousands of independent restaurateurs;
  • accommodation (Pierre et Vacances, Center-Parcs, Première Classe Hotels, Club Med, Interhome, etc.);
  • for transport (SNCF, Air France, LastMinute, etc.) and travel agencies (FNAC Voyages, E.Leclerc Voyage, SNCM, Voyageprivé, etc.); 
  • but also in sports activities, cultural outings, leisure activities among which we find institutions such as the Louvre Museum, the Parc Astérix, the Cité de Sciences, the Musée d'Orsay or the Gaumont-Pathé cinemas. 

Although French, Chèques-Vacances are also accepted in the European Union and thus allow a wide range of choices for all households benefiting from this aid. 

To find out if establishments accept Chèques-Vacances, look at their window. Very often, you will see the ANCV logo appear. In addition, with Chèques-Vacances connect, the government also provides you with an application to help you manage your cheques. 

Can you pay for your Airbnb accommodation with your Chèques-Vacances? 

ANCV Chèques-Vacances are produced by the National Agency for Chèques-Vacances. It is therefore a French company. The Airbnb platform is, on the contrary, an American creation. This leads to unpleasant surprises such as the inability to pay for Airbnb accommodation using Chèques-Vacances. 

Indeed, one could blame the platform for not offering this additional payment option. However, the holiday voucher is an exclusively French means of payment. For convenience, the American site only offers online regulations for all the countries it covers. Only electronic payment is possible, either via the Airbnb platform or through its application. 

But then, what about e-Chèques-Vacances? Democratized in 2020 under the name of Chèque-Vacances Connect, it is the dematerialized version of the traditional holiday voucher. Although there is still a paper version of this little notebook, Chèques-Vacances connect appeals with their ease of use, which allows French people to make all their reservations online. Only, despite the evolution of the ANCV to offer a dematerialized means of payment, the Airbnb site cannot recognize it as such, because it remains exclusive to the French government. 

What payment methods does Airbnb accept?

Not to mention the holiday voucher, many payment methods are accepted by the Aibnb platform. This is the case of the credit card that can be used by making a transfer directly on the site. According to your conciergerie of Marseille, all cards are authorized (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc.) to validate your reservation. 

PayPal and Apple Pay type payments are also accepted, with a specificity for Apple Pay which is that you must go through the iOS application to make this type of transfer.

Be aware, however, that there are some specifics depending on your location. So, if you live in the United States, the platform accepts the Google Wallet through the Android application. Users in China can use Alipay while in Brazil Boleto Bancario or card payment (Hipercard, Elo, Aura) is accepted. Some countries in Europe are also exceptions with Italy (Postepay), Germany (Sofort Überweisung) or the Netherlands (iDEAL). 

You can also, as a last resort, pay for your accommodation by cash or cheque. However, by doing this, you are taking a significant risk and stepping outside the scope of Airbnb rental. Whether you are a tenant or an owner, do not accept cash at the risk of being cheated. The platforms will take no responsibility and you will not be covered. 

If the Chèques-Vacances are not accepted by the Airbnb seasonal rental site, they will still offer you a good supplement for all the additional costs of your vacation. Your Marseille concierge advises you to take advantage of this to use your Chèques-Vacances for your cultural outings, your family leisure activities or simply to eat in a good restaurant.